目前分類:黑種草 (14)

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9 Reasons To Have A Teaspoon Of Black Cumin Oil Every Day


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http://www.google.com.tw/url… Introduction of Black Seed

Black seed strengthen Immune System


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http://www.google.com.tw/url… Introduction of Black Seed
Black seed and infections: Anti-bacterial
Experts at the Department of Pharmacy, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh conducted a study in 1997 in which they compared the anti bacterial effects of black seed with the effects of 5 anti-biotic. The five antibiotics were nalidixic acid, gentamicin, cotrimoxazole, ampicillin and tetracycline. The researchers concluded, the black seed was more effective than the anti-biotic against bacteria such as V.Cholera and E.Coli. The German scientists also confirmed the antibacterial properties of black seed.

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Black Seeds Useful for Helicobacter pylori Infection

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Black Seed Effects on Ulcers and Gastroprotective

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Powerful Benefits of Black Seeds & Honey 
Researchers from Egypt conducted studies about the protective benefits of Nigella grains and bee honey on cancer and oxidative stress created in rats which were exposed to strong carcinogen. There were 4 groups of rats that were exposed to the specific carcinogen– Some of these groups were given honey or black seeds.– One group was given both honey and black seeds.6 months afterwards it was found that the rats that took black seeds were 80 percent protected against development of cancer and oxidative stress? The rats that were given black seeds and honey everyday was found to have 100 percent protection against cancer development, oxidative stress and inflammatory responses.

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Neuroprotective effects of chloroform and petroleum ether extracts of 
Nigella sativa seeds in stroke model of rat
黑種草與中風 (black cumin seed and stroke)


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Black cumin lowers high blood glucose levels

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Black seed improves insulin production and sensitivity

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黑種草油與心血管疾病 Black seed oil and Cardiovascular Disease

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Black Seed Effects on the Cardiovascular System

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Ischemic Cardiovascular Diseases (ICVD) may be broadly classified into ischemic coronary heart disease, renal hypertension, ischemic cerebrovascular disease and peripheral vascular disease. The black seed, Nigella sativa (NS), a member of the family of ranunculaceae, is commonly used as a natural food additive. NS and its active constituents have been documented to exhibit antioxidant, hypotensive, calcium channel blockade and diuretic properties which may contribute to reduce blood pressure and exerting anti-ischemic effects via reduction in sympatheic overactivity and oxidative stress; suggesting a potential role of NS in the management of cardiovascular diseases as hypertension and ischemic coronary heart diseases and other non-cardiovascular ischemia. This study aiming for exploring the anti-ischemic properties of NS that protecting he heart and other vital organs against ischemia and decreasing incidence of myocardial infraction and ischemic-reperfusion injuries on different body organs in experimental animal models and from clinical trials as found in ischemic heart patients received NS. The results provide a clear evidence that both the NS oil and its active ingredients, in particular thymoquinone (TQ), possessing reproducible anti-oxidant effects through enhancing the oxidant scavenger system against several ischemic insults and suggesting that the regular use of NS seed is recommended for prevention of ischemic cardiac and non-cardiovascular diseases.

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